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health benefits
Healthy Living
December 17, 2024

4 Health Benefits of Being Cold

Cold weather has a funny way of stirring up mixed feelings, as some love the cold while others miss the warm weather. As we temporarily say goodbye to days at the beach and hello to the beauty of winter, the chill air might surprise you with its health benefits. From mental and physical boosts to positive impacts on your daily routine, here are four health benefits of being cold.

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skin health
Healthy Living
November 27, 2024

3 Ways Drinking Water Affects Your Skin Health

November is National Healthy Skin Month, a time to encourage people to take better care of their skin and promote public awareness about skin cancer prevention. Let’s dive into how drinking water affects skin health and learn how hydration can contribute to a radiant complexion.

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picky eaters
Healthy Living
October 22, 2024

5 Ways to Add Healthy Ingredients to Your Picky Eaters Meal

Picky eating, also known as fussy, faddy, choosy, or selective eating, is a common habit that can occur from the early stages of childhood and beyond. While there isn’t a single definition of picky eating, it’s referred to as the rejection of familiar and unfamiliar foods.

The causes of picky eating aren’t universally the same but can include feeling pressure to eat certain foods and eating the same meal consistently as a child. Create a sense of curiosity around food and make mealtime a breeze with these five ways to add healthy ingredients to your picky eaters meal.

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